All Available Data

View all datasets currently available on Data Cape Cod.

Household Income
COVID-19 Business Surveys
Cape Cod Pond Atlas Data Viewer
Running Out of Room
Historic Structures
Protecting our Past, Protecting our Future
Housing Typology
Year-Round Population
Cape Cod Census Data Viewer
Address Change Requests
School Enrollment by Race and Gender
Vulnerable Populations on Cape Cod
Environmental Justice Populations
Town Profiles
Housing Characteristics
Real Estate Trends
Housing Affordability
How Many Earners
Homeowner Surveys
Cape Cod Traffic Trends
Cape Cod Crash Dashboard
Employment & Unemployment
Labor Force and Earnings
Employment and Wages by Industry
Employment and Wages by Occupation
Business Establishment Size and Age
Local Option Taxes
Regional Wealth
Location Quotients for Private Industry
Cape Cod Chronology Viewer
3D Cape Cod
Cape Cod Coastal Planner
Cape Cod Sea Level Rise Viewer
Large-Scale Solar Screening Tool
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Inventory
Watershed MVP
Water Quality Data Portal